What To Do If Your References Don't Respond (3 Simple Steps to Save the Day)
By Reid - December 27, 2022

Unresponsive References
You applied to your dream job and aced the interview, but when the hiring manager started reaching out to your references.....crickets. What do you do?
For job seekers, an unresponsive reference can be a nightmare. These people are supposed to provide stellar recommendations and discuss your achievements. Missing out on that extra vote of confidence could push the hiring manager to look at other applicants.
In this short article, we will cover what you should do if your references don't respond to the company you are interviewing with.
What is a reference?
A reference is typically a previous manager, coworker, or employee you have worked closely with that can speak about your overall work ethic and accomplishments. Employers reach out to these references as part of their due diligence in the hiring process.
Why do you need a reference?
Employers can get in touch with the applicants' references as part of a background investigation to learn more about their professional history, abilities, and competitive drive.
Excellent references can attest to your virtues and impact/influence the hiring manager's decision. Good reference conversation = increased odds of landing the job.
Source: Resume Genius
What to do if your references don't respond?
So, what to do if your references don't respond? Here's the solution to help resolve the situation if your connection went MIA.
1. Let the employer know what is going on
First, apologize for the inconvenience and say you'll find out what's going on to make things right with your prospective employer. This will go a long way and reassure them that you are taking action when something isn't going right.
2. Verify contact information and reach out
You may not be getting a response from your professional reference because you have the wrong contact information or have sent over incorrect details. Start by ensuring your information matches what was sent to the employer.
If that is correct, reach out to your job references and have them send over their latest contact info (primarily their phone number and email address).
Inform your prospective employer if there was a mistake - sending them the correct reference's contact information.
Note: This is also a great time to ensure your reference doesn't have the email from the potential employer in their spam folder.
3. Find another reference
There is no need to freak out if the initial reference is not responding because the cat is already out of the bag. Consider choosing someone else to speak in your favor if there's no way of getting a hold of them.
Find a professional in your network that you can readily connect with and who knows how you perform at work.
Explain to them that you have been selected for a potential job with (company), and they are reaching out for references. Then ask them if they would be willing to be a reference of yours.
Finally, make sure they know when to anticipate a message from the employer so they don’t miss it like your first reference.
"While friends and family are acceptable referees, it is better for you to select someone who is not immediate family as their opinion may be construed as being biased."
— Michael Paige
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Do you need to give your reference a heads-up?
If possible, give your reference a heads-up about the hiring company potentially reaching out. A quick email, text, or call will do.
Mention to them a timeline, the company's name, and thank them for helping you out as a reference. One of the many reasons why references disappear or don't respond is that people don't properly prepare them beforehand.
Do companies check references?
Companies do typically check references when they ask for them. Many low to mid-level roles won't have this as a requirement, but many higher-level positions are likely to have this request as part of the interview process.
Do employers call or email references?
Employers can both call and email references during the hiring process. The person you spoke to during the interview will likely let you know what form of communication they will use though.
Try to give them (your references) a decent heads-up so they know what to expect. This helps prevent an ignored call they might think is spam.
What if you don't want your existing employer to be aware of your job search?
Some prospective employers will want to speak to references from your current job, but most of them know that job seekers wish to keep their interviewing a secret.
Simply let them know your current employer doesn’t know you are searching for a new opportunity, so you can’t provide references from them. Instead, offer references from employers before that and explain why they are just as important.
If they are persistent about speaking to your current employer and you are okay with it getting out, find a coworker or manager you have a good relationship with and explain to them what’s going on before the prospective manager reaches out.
What if your references have retired or relocated?
If your reference has retired or moved on from an old job, ask if there is any updated contact information by calling the business where your reference once worked. Additionally, you might try looking for your reference on social media platforms like LinkedIn or Facebook.
What if you were dismissed from your prior position?
In this scenario, skip your most recent employer and find someone from an older position that you held.
If they are adamant about contacting your previous employer, reach out to them beforehand and try to come to a consensus on what transpired. Ask them to identify your perceived strengths and any areas you need to improve.
After that relationship is hopefully fixed, ask if they could provide you with a reference based on this conversation.
What if your reference says bad things about you?
Ideally, you pick past coworkers or managers with whom you had a positive relationship and support your career goals.
Offer to give a few additional references who will attest to your character if a prospective employer says one of your references gave you unfavorable feedback.
How long does it take to hear back after references?
It can take several weeks to hear back about an interview after the hiring manager checks in with your references.
They might still have to evaluate others applying for the role, discuss your interview with others on the team, or get final approval from the business to make the hire.
Can I get rejected after a reference check?
If there was a bad reference within the bunch you submitted, you could very well be rejected for the role.
The hiring process tends to be quite long, so wait it out for a week and then follow up with a follow-up email to see where the hiring manager sits.
How many references should I have?
While one reference isn't enough, you don't need ten on standby either. Stick with 3-5 references to have at the ready, but the hiring company will typically give you a number on what they are looking for.
Wrapping Up | What should I do if my reference doesn't respond
The interview discussion can be stressful, so ensuring everything else during the interviewing process runs smoothly is critical to success when searching for a new job.
This is especially true when it comes to having the best references listed and properly prepping them before that potential employer reaches out.
If those positive references aren’t answering, keep calm and follow the simple steps we laid out. Let the employer know what's happening, verify the contact information and find a new reference if needed.
This goes without saying but working hard is a simple way to generate a handful of positive recommendations from past employers. Once you’ve built those great relationships, an occasional email or LinkedIn message is all you need to do to keep in touch and use them as a reference later in your career.
We hope that helps, and a job offer is coming soon - best of luck!
Title: What To Do If Your References Don't Respond (3 Simple Steps to Take to Save the Day)
Category: Interview
Tags: reference request, potential employer, alternate reference, backup references, reference call, checking references, new references, what to do if your references don't respond
Author: Reid is a contributor for theJub. He's an employment and marketing enthusiast who studied business before taking on various recruiting, management, and marketing roles. More from the author. | Author Profile
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