How Many Jobs Should I Apply For in 2023?
By Reid - March 30, 2022

How Many Jobs To Apply For
Whether you are looking for your first full-time job or seeking a career change - the job market can often seem challenging to navigate. I know firsthand!
In today's world of work, things are even more cluttered due to the online nature of finding jobs. In the past, people would have to hand their resume in to apply for a job, but now they can do it with the click of a button.
This might sound like a positive (and in some ways is), but it also means more people are applying for each open job - leading to tougher competition and the question of “how many jobs should I apply for.”
How Many Jobs Should I Apply For?
The simple answer is to apply for as many quality jobs as possible. But to be honest, deciding how many jobs to apply for can be difficult.
You likely want to apply for enough that you stand a good chance of getting an interview, but you also want to ensure that you don’t get overwhelmed and confused by the number of responses.
A good first question to ask yourself is how likely you are to get offered a job in the area you are applying for. If you are already experienced and qualified for specific roles, you can probably apply for fewer jobs and feel confident that an interview is coming.
However, if you are completely new to the industry or do not have any relevant qualifications, it might be a good idea to apply for more jobs as you may be up against some tough competition.
You should also consider how quickly you need a new job. If your current job is okay and you are just looking for a change in scenery, then you may be able to be fussier and apply for the ones that you like.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Where Do I Find A Company With Job Vacancies?
Before you can even think about how many jobs you should apply for, you need to know how to find these quality job postings.
Most positions are now advertised online through ZipRecruiter, LinkedIn, and Google job boards. These sites are a great way to find a large number of roles in a short period.
How Do I Know How Many People Have Applied For The Same Role As Me?
Websites like Indeed or LinkedIn often give you a vague idea of how many people have applied for a particular job. You might see something like “10+ applicants” under a job posting.
Remember that there may be more applicants that have applied in other ways. Applying directly through the company's website or face-to-face will make it more challenging to determine how many competitors you are up against.
What Is The Likelihood Of Getting An Interview Or Job Offer?
A massive part of considering how many jobs to apply for is thinking about how likely you are to get offered each job. Therefore, it is only natural to want to know your exact chances of getting an interview or a job offer. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work like that.
There is no telling how likely you are to get offered an interview or a job because there are too many factors to consider. These factors include:
Your Overall Qualifications
If you are well qualified for a job, it is fair to assume that you will stand a better chance of receiving an offer than someone who does not have the relevant qualifications.
It is also essential to consider how recent your qualifications are, whether they are from accredited sources, and the classification you received.
Your Background and Experience
Employees don’t just care about qualifications, they also care about experience.
So, if you have relevant or potentially helpful experience, this could give you a better chance of landing the job than someone without experience.
What The Employer Is Looking For
Different employers look for and value other things, so it isn't easy to know what your potential employer is looking for.
You will have a much better chance of getting the job if you meet their personal criteria.
Your Current Competition
- As we mentioned before, your likelihood of receiving a job offer also depends on how much competition you are up against and how promising other candidates are.
What Are Some Large Companies That Are Hiring?
Even during tough economic times, there will always be large companies hiring to keep up with demand. Places like Amazon, IBM, Intel, and Target continue hiring even when massive layoffs seem to be happening.
Wrapping Up | How Many Jobs to Apply For
I tend to be cautious when it comes to submitting applications - focusing on a lower number of specific roles I believe I'm qualified for that give me the best odds of success.
The number of job applications you should submit ultimately depends on various factors, like your job search strategy, the type of role you are looking for, the job market, and your circumstances.
While some job seekers may only apply to a few positions and wait for a response, others may submit several applications to increase their chances of landing a job.
A nice balance between being proactive in your job search and avoiding spreading yourself too thin seems to put you in the best position to succeed.
Get out there and start applying - Best of luck in your job search!
Title: How Many Jobs Should I Apply For?
Category: Career Resources
Tags: how many jobs should I apply for, job applications, applying to multiple jobs, how many jobs should I apply for per week, how many job applications is too many, how many application to get a job
Co-Author: Reid is a contributor for theJub. He's an employment and marketing enthusiast who studied business before taking on various recruiting, management, and marketing roles. More from the author. | Author Profile
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