What Should You Name Your Resume File? (with Resume Name Examples)


By Becky - June 5, 2022

interview bias

resume file name

When applying for a job, everything about your application and appearance matters. Even the name of your resume file.

Naming your resume file correctly is crucial in looking professional and being recognized by employers so you can get an opportunity for an interview.

This article will cover how to name a resume file correctly and why it’s important, whether you use a Microsoft Word document or a Google Doc.

How to Correctly Name Your Resume File

The best way to name your resume file is to put your first name, then last name, then the identity of the file as a resume.

Resume Name Examples

- “JaneDoeResume.doc”
- “JaneDoe_Resume.doc”

If you want to go the extra mile and tailor each file for the job position, you can include the job title you’re applying for. So you can make it “JaneDoeResumeOperationsManager.doc” or “JaneDoeResumeSalesPosition.doc”.

Additional Resume Naming Tips

  • Title Case: There’s no reason your resume file name needs to be all lowercase. Use title case, as this will make your file more legible than files in all lowercase. 

  • Save As PDF: The best way to send your resume file is as a PDF. PDF format is an image rather than a flexible document, so your formatting and information are displayed correctly. 

  • Don’t Put the Company Name: If you tailor your resume filename for each position, it’s best not to put the company name in the resume file name. For example, putting “JaneDoeResumeExxonMobile.doc” implies you have tweaked your resume for them, which may make you a less desirable candidate. 

  • Underscores: Underscores are optional, but they can help make your file and name more legible rather than a cluster of squished words. 

  • Name Cover Letters Similarly: You should label your cover letter file in the same way as your resume. So if you use an underscore in your resume file’s name, use an underscore for your cover letter file so they are cohesive. For example, “JaneDoe_Resume.doc” would pair with “JaneDoe_CoverLetter.doc”. And “JaneDoeResume.doc” pairs with “JaneDoeCoverLetter.doc”.

The Importance of Your Resume File’s Name

It may not seem like a big deal, but what you name your resume file is one of the first impressions you make on an employer or hiring manager. Below are three reasons to name the file properly. 

  • Putting your first and last name as the document name makes it easy for managers to find and pull up your resume when they want to view it. If you name it something else, they may struggle to find it. 

  • Having a properly-named resume file shows a sense of organization and professionalism that will make you more desirable to your prospective employer. 

  • A correctly-labeled resume is less likely to get lost in the shuffle. If they receive several resumes on file labeled ‘resume1’, recruiters may overlook these in frustration, focusing their attention on ones with clear names. 

When applying for a job, every little detail matters. A proper resume file name could be the minute difference between getting the job over another qualified candidate. We hope this helps, and best of luck in your job search!

Title: How to Name Your Resume File

Tags: how to name resume file, resume file naming structure, resume naming, cover letter naming, resume file name examples, resume file name, resume name examples

Co-Author: Becky is a contributor for theJub. She’s a writing and talent acquisition specialist who loves to apply her skills through creative writing and editing.

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