How to Answe
By Reid - March 16, 2022

What is Your Weakness Best Answer
“Describe your biggest weakness.”
This is one of the most dreaded moments in any interview and where many job applicants stumble through trying to find an answer.
If you are job hunting and interviewing, you should expect to be asked some version of this question every single time. In other words, there is no reason to be unprepared.
With our helpful tips and tricks for explaining your biggest weakness, you will be able to easily handle this common interview question.
So, what are my greatest weaknesses?
Ideally, your answer will impress upon your future employer and hiring managers that you are confident and poised without seeming to boast or display an overinflated ego. The “right” answer to this question is Honest, Succinct, and Demonstrates Growth.
We will walk you through crafting the perfect what is your weakness best answer below with career advice to win over the interviewer.
How to Answer “What Are Your Weaknesses” in a Job Interview
Step 1: Make It Honest
While it may seem counterintuitive to focus on weaknesses in a job interview, this is a good way to let honesty and forthrightness shine.
The hiring manager knows you are not perfect (and neither are they!), so this is your chance to reflect on your greatest weakness and address it head-on in a meaningful way with the interviewer.
If you have trouble thinking of a weakness, start by asking someone who is brutally honest with you, be it a sibling, a former boss, or a neighbor who has become a trusted confidant.
Their answers might surprise you, and if you remain open to constructive feedback, this could be incredibly beneficial in your interview preparation.
Another idea, if you are stuck, is to try jotting down a list of your best and worst attributes. Perhaps “impatient” is the first negative word that comes to mind, which could easily be identified as a weakness.
In that example, you would want to develop a scenario where you demonstrated patience (i.e., growth!).
While honesty is important, there are levels of openness to consider here: “I cheated on my partner in college, and then the next person I dated cheated on me, so I learned a great deal from that big dose of karma.” Save that one for happy hour with friends.
You want to keep your examples a bit more serious and professional, though struggles are not off the table.
For example, you might describe how a reluctance to meet new people was stunting your personal and professional growth, so in the past year, you stepped out of your comfort zone and into a ballroom dancing class and a networking group for young professionals.
Step 2: Make It Succinct
Once you have determined the weakness you plan to address, consider how to discuss it thoroughly and succinctly. You want to demonstrate the following**:**
A concrete example of the weakness playing out in your professional life
How the fault held you back or created an obstacle
What did you do to overcome it (with detailed results)
You want to avoid rambling about the weakness to the point that the discussion becomes too centered around something negative. Instead, keep steering toward a positive outcome.
Try writing your answer down and reading it aloud, or better yet, practice by describing your most significant weakness to a friend or family member. Be careful that you do not over-rehearse, though. You want the delivery in the interview to feel natural and not forced.
It is okay if you go “off script” a bit as long as you work your way back to the positive outcome (how you overcame that weakness).
Step 3: Show a Demonstration of Growth
One of the most critical components of your answer is the demonstration of growth. The hiring manager or recruiter wants to see how you handle negative situations and if you will continue to grow as an employee.
If they see you as "stuck in your ways" or too comfortable with your current skillset, they might decide to move on to another candidate.
Imagine this scenario:
The hiring manager is looking for someone who works well in team environments.
The job applicant describes their weakness as “losing patience with team members who did not carry their weight” in a previous job but doesn't further elaborate on how they are working on improving that weakness.
The hiring manager will see this as a major red flag since "teamwork" is so important to this particular position.
Instead, the applicant could have used this example answer**:** “When I realized that friction was growing among the team because some members were doing more than their fair share of the work, I approached my manager with a suggestion for a new task distribution model. We successfully implemented my model, and it is still used for team projects at that company today.”
What are three examples of Weaknesses?
I have trouble asking for help.
“I enjoy taking on projects myself making it difficult to ask for help when it’s needed. But, over the years, I have learned that asking questions often benefits my work - especially when I don’t fully understand something.”
I get impatient when projects run close to the deadline.
“My work style is to complete a task or project as soon as possible. So, when other priorities get thrown into the mix and deadlines are getting close, I tend to get impatient. While this impatience has helped me complete several projects on time, I’ve also learned that doing something right and pushing it when needed isn’t always bad.”
I focus too much on the details during certain projects.
“I firmly believe that every little detail in a project is important. Unfortunately, that belief tends to slow up different projects I’m tasked with due to the time and effort I put into them. Over the last few years, I have learned that it’s often better to complete the project at hand at an earlier date than dragging out every little detail and prolonging that finish date.”
"Recruiters need about 90 seconds to determine whether they would hire a candidate."
— The Undercover Recruiter
Wrapping Up | What is your weakness best answer
When answering the question, What are my weaknesses, it simply comes down to concentrating on your strengths (without sounding like you don’t have any weaknesses). To recap our three steps to follow:
Be honest
Explain thoroughly
Show you are learning
Describing your weaknesses can be a strength in an interview, as long as you do it honestly and succinctly and demonstrate that you have grown through them.
Highlight how you have made improvements and learned from your mistakes. Hiring managers love candidates who continue to push themselves and grow in their careers.
We hope this helps - best of luck in your next job interview!
Title: How to Answer “What Are My Weaknesses” in a Job Interview
Category: Job Interview
Tags: How to answer "What are my weaknesses" in a job interview, what are my weaknesses job interview question, weaknesses to say in a job interview, what are your weaknesses examples
Co-Author: Reid is a contributor for theJub. He's an employment and marketing enthusiast who studied business before taking on various recruiting, management, and marketing roles. More from the author. | Author Profile
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